Those who invest their time and energy in building an equitable partnership around the routines of family life develop deeper trust with each other, are quicker to allow mistakes without resentment, and each gain more time and mental freedom to pursue joy and fulfillment.

More Importantly

Intentionally design your life around the experiences you want to have, rather than just “letting it happen” and being frustrated. You will come away with a system of sharing the home and caregiving load that can adapt and flex with life, and enables both of you to also integrate careers and passions.

Homeplace Experience Design

My Solution?

Homeplace Experience Designer

After much trial and error in my own life, my partner and I have landed on a few key strategies that have enabled us to actually live the life we envision together. It has resulted in a true sharing of all aspects of home and family - but underneath that, a partnership has emerged that includes deeper trust, allows for mistakes without resentment, and grants us each more time and mental freedom to pursue joy and fulfillment. All aspects of life feel more possible when founded on holistic partnership.

Meet Rachel

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Whether it’s a major overhaul on your division of labor or fine tuning through change, I want to help you find equity in your partnership!

Let’s find out how we can best work together.

Whether it’s a major overhaul on your division of labor or fine tuning through change, I want to help you find equity in your partnership!

Let’s find out how we can best work together.

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